Supporting Student Chapters in Competing at the EERI Seismic Design Competition


Los Angeles Tall Buildings Structural Design Council is proudly sponsoring EERI student chapters at a number of Southern California universities to compete at the Annual EERI Seismic Design Competition.


University of california los angeles

2019: 2nd place overall

2018: 2nd place overall

2015: 2nd place overall

2013: 1st place overall

2012: 1st place overall


University of california Irvine

2018: 5th place Design Proposal

2018: Top 10 Competition Poster

2018: 11th place in Communication

2015: 14th place overall


University of Southern California

2020: 7th place overall

2019: 5th place overall

2018: 2nd place in Architecture

2018: 2nd place in Communication


California State Polytechnic University Pomona

2020: 1st place in seismic performance


California State University Los Angeles

2019: 6th place overall

2018: 5th place overall